The website is the responsibility of Miguel Areán e Hijos, S.L. (Castañas Naiciña) with CIF: B27204858.

Contact information:

  • Miguel Areán e Hijos, S.L.
  • Polig. Industrial, parcela B7
  • 27519 Chantada (Lugo)
  • Telephone: 982 440902
  • E-mail:


This entity is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Lugo, folio 123, volume 224, page LU-4610.


Access to the website of Castañas Naiciña implies the condition of user or visitor and the acceptance of all the conditions expressed in this Legal Notice.


The copying, reproduction, publication, modification, distribution or transfer to other websites of the contents of this site is not allowed without the prior written authorization of Castañas Naiciña.


The information (texts, images, videos, etc.) contained on this website is for communication purposes only. The user’s access to it does not generate any commercial, contractual or professional relationship between the users and Castañas Naiciña. Castañas Naiciña holds the right to modify or eliminate all or part of the content of the website without prior notice.


With the exception of the personal data whose protection is regulated in another section, the communications established by the visitor of this website through the means provided for this purpose are considered non-confidential and not private. The information provided by the visitor may be used for any purpose that does not contravene the law. Besides, the visitor agrees not to disseminate through this portal any information that is contrary to the law and honesty, particularly defamatory or harmful information, or information that is dangerous to minors, obscene, false, misleading or that violates the rights of privacy or intellectual property of third parties. If case this happens, the visitor will be the only responsible and will be prosecuted by law. Castañas Naiciña cannot be blamed neither principally nor colaterally in relation to it.


This page provides links to other websites owned by third parties. Castañas Naiciña does not control such sites and therefore will not be liable for any damage that the user may suffer as a result of the browsing on such sites through the links on this website, including links leading to illegal, illegitimate or prosecutable situations.


Although it is not specifically detailed in each case, the brands that appear on this page, both those of the company and those of third parties, are protected by law. Therefore, the user cannot use any of them without the prior written consent of its owner.


For the purposes of the provisions of the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13th, on the Protection of Personal Data, and the Law on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), Castañas Naiciña informs the user of the existence of an automated file of personal data created by and for this company and under their responsibility, in which this data will be maintained meanwhile they are considered useful for the exclusive purpose of managing such data for the purposes of this site. Castañas Naiciña will take all the appropriate measures to prevent the use of these personal data by third parties. Castañas Naiciña intends to use the collected personal information to offer its users the best possible service, to perform the agreed services or contact the user for issues related to the relationship established between both parties. Therefore, the visitor authorizes Castañas Naiciña to use their personal information to provide their services, including the use of such data to send informative material and allow access of specific data of the users to third contracted companies to offer some service linked to the activity of the company, such as dining activities, extracurricular activities and so on. Castañas Naiciña will not sell or rent this information to third parties. This way, Castañas Naiciña, informs the user about his/her rights of access, rectification, opposition or cancellation of his personal data. If the user does not allow Castañas Naiciña to use his/her details, written notice must be sent by letter addressed to: Polig. Indsutrial, parcela B7 27519 Chantada (Lugo) or by email to, with the following information: name and surname of the user, address for notification purposes, photocopy of the National Identity Document or Passport, written request (in the case of representation, it must be proved by a reliable document) and signature.